Güncelleme Tarihi: 16 March 2022

Visitors: 623


Name of the Program: Physical Education and Sports Without Thesis Master's Program

Program Language: Turkish

Education Type: Secondary education

Duration of the Program: 2 semester

Program Information: The program was opened with the approval of the Higher Education Council's letter dated 14/12/2021 and started to accept students as of the 2021-2022 academic year spring semester.

Purpose of the Program: With the Without Thesis Master's Program of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, it is aimed to contribute to the development of sports in our country and our province and to meet the need for qualified personnel by training scientists. It will be possible to take our department further scientifically, to strengthen our infrastructure with new scientists and to produce more services to a wide environment.

Admission Requirements: A scientific preparation program can be applied for students who are accepted to master's programs, who have received their undergraduate degree in a field different from the graduate program they are accepted to, and candidates who have received their undergraduate degree from higher education institutions other than the higher education institution they are accepted to.

Candidates who have graduated from all departments of universities that provide 4-year undergraduate education can also apply, provided that they take a scientific preparation program.

Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Graduate Education and Training Regulations will be taken as a basis for student admission to the proposed program. In the evaluation of student admission to non-thesis master's programs, the undergraduate grade point average (according to the 100-point system) is taken and ranked starting from the candidate with the highest score.

Degree Awarded: Without Thesis Master's Degree

Program Manager: Assist. Prof. Bekir ÇAR

e-mail: bcar@bandirma.edu.tr  

Academic Staff of the Program:

Prof. Dr. Nurettin KONAR (Faculty of Sports Sciences)

Prof. Dr. Nurettin CENGİZ (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology)

Prof. Dr. Hayrettin TEKÜMİT (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery)

Assist. Prof. Gizem BAŞKAYA (Faculty of Sports Sciences, Department of Coaching Education)

Assist. Prof . Büşra SÜNGÜ (Faculty of Sports Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports)

Assist. Prof. Emre TAŞKIN (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Genetics)

Assist. Prof. Gülhan YILMAZ GÖKMEN (Faculty of Health Sciences, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department, Department of Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Assist. Prof . Bekir ÇAR (Faculty of Sports Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports)

Assist. Prof. Muhammet Bora UZUNER (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy)