Güncelleme Tarihi: 16 March 2022
Visitors: 915
Program’s Name: Social Work Master Program with Thesis
Language: Turkish
Education Type: Full Time 1st Education
The Duration Of The Program: 4 semester
Program Informations
Program opened with YÖK's 19/08/2019 date and 8415 No. act and started accepting students in the 2019-2020 academic year.
Program’s Aim
The Master's Program in Social Work aims to provide a perspective for individuals to develop their own awareness and skills and to protect the interests of community members with social responsibility awareness. Using scientific knowledge to understand the causes of social, psychosocial phenomena affecting individuals, groups and society; to provide the desired changes to the poor, the elderly, the disabled, children, women, criminals, such as disadvantaged individuals groups, family and community methods and approaches to work with the subject to understand the issues. Thus, it is aimed to contribute to reducing the negative effects of social problems in daily social life, increasing social welfare and ensuring social peace and trust.
Admission Requirements
Program; Sociology, Psychology, Social Policy, Health Sciences, Management and Organization, Economics, Law, Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Mentally Disabled Education, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Child Development etc. is an interdisciplinary program that includes disciplines.
Admission requirements for graduate programs, student quotas, qualifications to be sought in prospective students, and information regarding the application and evaluation process are announced on the web page of Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Institute of Health Sciences in each announcement period.
Earned Degree
Master of Social Work degree
Program’s Coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Recep YILDIZ
Tel: 0 266 717 01 17
e-mail: ryildiz@bandirma.edu.tr
Academic Staff of Program
Assoc. Prof. Recep YILDIZ (Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Social Work, Department of Social Work)
Assoc. Prof. Celalettin YANIK (Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations)
Assist. Prof. Zeynep ACA (Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Social Work, Department of Social Work)
Assist. Prof. Fatih ALTUN (Vocational School of Health Services, Department of Social Work and Counseling)
Assist. Prof. Onur BAYRAKCI (Vocational School of Health Services, Department of Social Work and Counseling)
Assoc. Prof. Diler YILMAZ (Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Health and Disease Nursing)
Assist. Prof. Didem AYHAN (Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing)
Assist. Prof. Kevser TARI SELÇUK (Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics)