Güncelleme Tarihi: 16 March 2022
Visitors: 580
Program’s Name: Healthcare Management Master’s Program With Thesis
Language: Turkish
Education Type: Full-time 1st Education
The Duration Of The Program: 4 semester
Program Informations: The program was accepted and opened with the letter of the Council of Higher Education dated 14/08/2020 and numbered E-50319 and started accepting students as of the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. The program consists of 9 courses (3 Compulsory, 6 Elective), a seminar, field of expertise course and a thesis study.
Program's Aim: A healthcare management scientist and academician who develops knowledge of the management of health services and organizations by conducting education, training and research at postgraduate level, has theoretical knowledge of healthcare management at a level that will contribute to the sector, plans and conducts independent research in his own field, and can take part in a multi-disciplinary study to train candidates.
Admission Requirements: The admission requirements for the graduate program, student quotas, qualifications to be sought in prospective students, and information about the application and evaluation process are announced in the application guide on the Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Graduate School of Health Sciences website.
Earned Degree: Master Degree in Healthcare Management
Program’s Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Gökhan ABA
Tel: 0 266 718 64 00/ 4503 e-mail: gaba@bandirma.edu.tr
Academic Staff of the Program:
Assoc. Prof. Gökhan ABA (Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Healthcare Management)
Prof. Ali Osman ÖZTÜRK (Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Healthcare Management)
Assist. Prof. Ekrem SEVİM (Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Healthcare Management)
Assist. Prof. Arzu BULUT (Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Healthcare Management)
Assist. Prof. Yasemin ASLAN (Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Healthcare Management)