Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Foundation Scholarship Application Announcement

Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Foundation Scholarship Application Announcement

Our Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Foundation will provide scholarships to successful students who are studying in associate, undergraduate and graduate programs of our univ

2022-2023 Academic Year Spring Term University Foreign Language Exam Application Announcement

2022-2023 Academic Year Spring Term University Foreign Language Exam Application Announcement

Başvurular 16 Aralık 2023 Cuma Mesai Bitimine Kadar Aşağıda Yer Alan Linkten Yapılacaktır.  Başvuru İçin TIKLAYINIZ

Social Work Community Signs a Meaningful Program within the Scope of International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Social Work Community Signs a Meaningful Program within the Scope of International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Üniversitemiz Sosyal Hizmet Topluluğu 3 Aralık Dünya Engelliler Günü kapsamında özel bir program düzenliyor. Programın ana konusunu ülkemizde Eng

2022-2023 Academic Year FALL Semester Midterm Exam Schedule

2022-2023 Academic Year FALL Semester Midterm Exam Schedule

2022-2023 Academic Year FALL Semester Midterm Exam Schedule

Applications for 2023 for the national internship program run by the Presidential Human Resources Office have started.

Applications for 2023 for the national internship program run by the Presidential Human Resources Office have started.

Öğrencilerimiz başvuru süreci ile ilgili detaylı bilgilere platformundan ulaşabileceklerdir.    Our students will be able to access detailed informat

Announcement about Student Identity Cards.

Announcement about Student Identity Cards.

Student ID cards of our students who registered in the FALL semester of the 2022-2023 Academic Year have been printed. They can be obtained from the Graduate School of Health Scien

Registration Demands of Our Students.

Registration Demands of Our Students.

The table regarding the decision taken by the Graduate School Administrative Board regarding the requests of our students who have requested to freeze registration for the fall and

Food Scholarship Applications Have Started.

Food Scholarship Applications Have Started.

  Applications are starting for those who study at our university to be given a "Food Scholarship" within the scope of the social assistance program in accordance

İşte, Evde, Yolda Enerji Verimliliği Kitapçığı

İşte, Evde, Yolda Enerji Verimliliği Kitapçığı

2/5/2007 tarih ve 26510 sayılı Resmi Gazete'de yayımlanan 5627 sayılı Enerji Verimliliği Kanunu ile enerjinin etkin kullanılması, israfının önlenmesi, enerji maliyetlerini